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Government promise of the first ever Perpetrator Strategy is now secured in law

April, 2021

'In April 2021, following the campaigning of over 125 expert organisations and individuals, the government set itself a legal requirement to publish a strategic approach to perpetrators within a year.' - Drive Partnership


More than 1.9 million adults experienced domestic abuse last year, each one abused by a perpetrator. 1 in 4 perpetrators are repeat offenders. Some have as many as six victims.


There is an urgent need for a domestic abuse perpetrator strategy for England and Wales underpinned by core statutory support. I am joining SafeLives and their formal partners on perpetrator work, Respect and Social Finance, and more than 50 other organisations from voluntary and statutory sectors across Eng/Wales, as well as academics and individual survivors to ask the government to create a perpetrator strategy to respond to domestic abuse.


This case for change has been created with input from statutory and voluntary service providers, academics and commissioners across health, social care, housing, probation, substance misuse, victims’ and children’s services, as well as philanthropic funders and government.


To learn more, please download our call to action and follow more news on our progress from Drive Partnership.

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